by gabrielbodard | 2024-Jun-3 | News
Professor Charlotte Roueché (Wikidata) studied Classics (1965-1969) at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she was taught by Joyce Reynolds (Wikidata). In 1970 she accompanied Joyce Reynolds to assist her work on the abundant inscriptions of Aphrodisias, in Turkey;...
by gabrielbodard | 2024-May-3 | Greek, News
New publication:Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica, Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica Second Edition Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica. Second Edition in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, Hugues Berthelot, with help...
by gabrielbodard | 2023-Oct-11 | Greek Depuis l’origine, le projet de corpus épigraphique de Cyrénaïque est collaboratif et international, avec un partage décidé en 1980 entre J. Reynolds chargée des inscriptions — grecques et latines — de la période romaine, et les Français A....
by gabrielbodard | 2023-Mar-6 | News
Catherine Dobias-Lalou, born 1943, studied Classics at the University of Paris-La Sorbonne. Now Emeritus Professor, she has taught linguistics of ancient Greek, Latin and Indo-European languages at various Universities, among which Paris-Sorbonne and Université de...
by gabrielbodard | 2022-Sep-16 | News
Launched at the start of the academic year 2022–23, the Libyan Epigraphy Research Network, chaired by Dr Caroline Barron (Durham University) and Dr Gabriel Bodard (University of London) will promote discussion and collaboration between scholars and other researchers...