Introducing Charlotte Roueché

Professor Charlotte Roueché (Wikidata) studied Classics (1965-1969)  at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she was taught by Joyce Reynolds (Wikidata). In 1970 she accompanied Joyce Reynolds to assist her work on the abundant inscriptions of Aphrodisias, in Turkey;...

New: Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica 2nd edition

New publication:Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica, Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica Second Edition Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica. Second Edition in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, Hugues Berthelot, with help...

Introducing Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania

IRT 1952 J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward-Perkins. In collaboration with Salvatore Aurigemma, Renato Bartoccini, Giacomo Caputo, Richard Goodchild and Pietro Romanelli. Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. Published for the British School at Rome, 1952. John Ward-Perkins...

Introducing Alice Bencivenni

Associate professor of Greek history at Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, she teaches Greek epigraphy, Greek institutions and Greek History. She recently introduced the Digital Laboratory for Classical Sources to the curricula studiorum of the Masters in...

Introducing Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica

Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (2020), by J.M. Reynolds, C.M. Roueché, G. Bodard. Available: ISBN 978-1-912466-22-1. In 1951 Joyce Reynolds first visited Cyrenaica, and began to record the inscriptions of the Roman period, working...

Introducing Gabriel Bodard

I am the Reader in Digital Classics at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, where I teach and research in the Institutes of Classical Studies and Digital Humanities. My research background is in Greek religion and magic, but for the past two decades I...

Introducing Heritage Gazetteer of Libya

Heritage Gazetteer of Libya, and the Online Archives of the British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies. Available: In 2008 a team from Germany, the UK and the US received funding for the Concordia project, to explore the use of...

Introducing Niccolò Mugnai

I currently hold a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship at the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, where I am investigating the impact and reception of Roman-period architecture in provincial contexts of the Greco-Roman world, with a particular focus on...

Introducing François Chevrollier

François Chevrollier’s involvement in the Libyan Epigraphy Research Network stems from his research on Cyrenaican epigraphy–that began in the late 2000s with a master’s thesis on the officials of the city-states of Cyrenaica—as well as his work as co-director of...