The Libyan Epigraphy Research Network is a community of researchers and heritage professionals with an interest in the inscriptions of the ancient regions and territories that overlap with the area of modern Libya.

The activities of the Network are overseen by a scientific committee composed of representatives of the major Cyrenaican and Tripolitanian epigraphic corpora, prosopographies, gazetteers, archives and archaeological missions, interested institutions and especially Libyan universities and museums. The committee is supported by an advisory board of scholars and specialists in Libyan epigraphy, and a wider community of general members with an interest in the topic.
In addition to scholarly dialogue with the Network’s members and other groups, LERN aims to promote collaboration and compatibility between these various projects and related resources. These discussions and other work will take place via a mailing list, academic meetings, and related fora.
In memoriam Joyce M. Reynolds, 1918-12-18 to 2022-09-11