by gabrielbodard | 2024-Jun-3 | News
Professor Charlotte Roueché (Wikidata) studied Classics (1965-1969) at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she was taught by Joyce Reynolds (Wikidata). In 1970 she accompanied Joyce Reynolds to assist her work on the abundant inscriptions of Aphrodisias, in Turkey;...
by gabrielbodard | 2024-May-3 | Greek, News
New publication:Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica, Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica Second Edition Dobias-Lalou, Catherine. Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica. Second Edition in collaboration with Alice Bencivenni, Hugues Berthelot, with help...
by gabrielbodard | 2024-Apr-11 | News, Roman
IRT 1952 J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward-Perkins. In collaboration with Salvatore Aurigemma, Renato Bartoccini, Giacomo Caputo, Richard Goodchild and Pietro Romanelli. Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania. Published for the British School at Rome, 1952. John Ward-Perkins...
by gabrielbodard | 2024-Feb-1 | News, Roman
Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica (2020), by J.M. Reynolds, C.M. Roueché, G. Bodard. Available: ISBN 978-1-912466-22-1. In 1951 Joyce Reynolds first visited Cyrenaica, and began to record the inscriptions of the Roman period, working...
by gabrielbodard | 2024-Jan-21 | News
I am the Reader in Digital Classics at the School of Advanced Study, University of London, where I teach and research in the Institutes of Classical Studies and Digital Humanities. My research background is in Greek religion and magic, but for the past two decades I...